woensdag 6 januari 2010

Relationship evaluation

Do you find yourself doing a boyfriend evaluation shortly after youve begun a relationship? Are you looking for ways to improve or change him so that he is a better person for you? Have you considered the things you want to alter or change may never be a problem in his eyes and you are stuck with him exactly as he has proven himself to be?

Stop basing the depth of your relationship on the length of time spend together. Before you begin your timeline evaluation, consider the fact that men dont evaluate relationships based on time but on raw emotion. You may be pushing him before hes ready. If hes not ready to take the next step, you cant force it to happen just by suggesting or pushing for the next level. Quite the contrary; he will interpret your persistence as pressure.

Break your vicious cycle of breakups with new approaches on your relationship. Dont expect perfection or put timelines into effect when you start again. Let him see that you are the woman he wants to be with instead of trying to convince him with words. Let the relationship take a natural course of action and enjoy the path. When he sees you are the woman that enhances his life, he will be the one that wants to go to the next level.

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