zondag 17 januari 2010

When your ex doesn't call back

It's frustrating when your ex doesn't call you back after a breakup. Especially when no matter what you do to make your ex return your call, your efforts don't work.

Getting your ex to return your calls is one of the biggest problems facing someone who wants to reconnect with their ex. The situation is frustrating, discouraging, and seems hopeless.

How can you get your ex to call you back if they don't want to or just refuse to?

There is a way to make your ex call you back. It involves using a technique that your ex will find irresistible and they'll HAVE to call back.

But just as important as knowing what to do, is knowing what NOT to do. But be forewarned, this technique works but you have to use it as part of an overall strategy for getting your ex back.

Here's What You Don't Want To Do

If you use the wrong thing, you will put yourself at a disadvantage and your relationship will deteriorate more. This happens in one of two ways.

The first is pleading. This is where you beg your ex to call you back, especially when you've already called them a few times.

The second is telling your ex it's an emergency and they must call you back.

Both of these approaches make you desperate and your ex will feel pressured. They will instantly put up defense mechanisms. And the first defense mechanism will be not returning your calls.

Here's What You Do Want to Do

The key to making your ex return your call is combining two powerful forces of human nature. They are curiosity and self interest. The next time you call you ex, leave a message that will make them curious and stroke their pride.

How? You call them back and in a calm manner you thank them for what they did for you (without telling them what they did) and tell them to call you back so you can tell them in person.

By thanking them for what they did, you'll stroke their ego because they did something to help you. By not telling them what they did, you peak their curiosity. With these two forces at work, it will be very hard for your ex to resist calling you back.

Don't lie about what they did for you. There must really be something they did that you are thankful for. It doesn't have to be anything big, but is must real and you must be truly thankful.

Making your ex return your call is only the first step to getting your ex back. It's must be part of an overall strategy, otherwise you'll cause more damage than good. Getting your ex to return your calls is just the first step.

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