woensdag 6 januari 2010

Write an article on a blog

They call it king for a factor, so do not dethrone your efforts by featuring an identical old content. Give prospects and search engines, plus your regular clients/customers, updated content that fits your theme and offers value to your target audience.

Pay specific attention to your Articles Page. Include reprint details with your indispensable guidelines above your articles. Use inviting language in your guidelines encouraging publishers to exploit your material. Make it convenient for publishers by listing articles alphabetically by headline and include a three-line description. Link titles to the actual article page with offer versions in html, pdf and text archives.

Courting Publishers
Publishers are highly busy people, so make it easy for them to publish your articles. Offer a separate publisher's only subscription notifying them every time you have a new article available.

Show Your Smile
Potential buyers want to know who you are. Include a photograph on your Article Page for publishers/editors to use when they reprint your articles. Prospects also appreciate being able to in fact see a person for the reason that it produces doing business online much more personal.

You're wasting time, effort and remunerative space with web pages that do not give clients/customers the chance to do business with you! Each page, even your individual article pages, should continually include a call-to-action. Strut your stuff by selling prospects your newsletter and/or subscriptions to your exclusive members-only offerings. Streamline the process and gain more buyers.

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